October 4, 2015

My Background

People that have ACI surgery come from all sorts of different backgrounds and athletic abilities so I thought I'd share a little about myself.

Fitness has always been an important part of my life.  I've been an avid runner since high school.  My running mostly has consisted of 20-30 miles a week to stay in shape and the occasional race.  I took up marathon running a few years ago and have completed 3 marathons and several half marathons.  Other than running I swim, lift weights and do yoga to stay in shape.
My Dad and I at the Pensacola Half Marathon
My BFF Nicole and I after our first marathon
My BFF's Jess, Tarah and I after the Shamrock Marathon in Virginia Beach
I've always been very healthy and fit.  Until ACI I've never had a surgery (other than minor stuff like wisdom teeth), broken bone, or major injury.  The only running injuries I've had have been a few stress fractures in my foot and tibia.  Those healed normally and have never given me problems.  My knees have always been great so I was surprised to find out I had a knee injury which would not heal unless I underwent major open knee surgery.

Thus begins the saga to figure out exactly what was wrong with my knee...

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