July 31, 2016

11 Months Post Op

This month I've been focusing on hip strength as recommended by my physical therapist.  I've been doing the exercises he recommended 3-4 times a week in addition to my normal workout routine.  I noticed my hip muscles were a little sore the first couple of days so the exercises were apparently working something.

I had another appointment with my physical therapist after doing the hip exercises for about a month.  He did some various strength tests and said my hip strength was pretty could and he couldn't tell the difference between my right and left leg.  So that was good news.  However, I still have a noticeable difference in quad strength between my right and left leg.  He suggested I start trying to run using the alter G treadmill to build confidence in my leg.  The alter G treadmill is a special treadmill that lifts you up to allow partial weight bearing.  I used this early on in my recovery to transition to walking.  I'm a little nervous about starting a running program.
With this machine, you zip yourself into special "shorts" that are
attached to the machine.  Then the machine calibrates after it's
turn on.  You can then set the percentage of body weight that
you want to exercise with and the machine lifts you up
accordingly.  Science...it's cool.

I'm not sure my leg is ready.  When I voiced this concern to my PT, he said it shouldn't hurt the graft at this point especially when starting in the alter G.  He suggested starting at 50% of my body weight then slowly working up to more of my body weight over the next month.  According to my protocol, the graft should be strong enough to withstand light jogging at this point.  So I'll give it try this next month and see how it goes.

Stairs are becoming easier.  I don't have any trouble going down stairs.  I still have a little trouble going up stairs.  But I can walk up stairs now without limping or using the handrail.  I just have to focus on flexing my quad and keeping my knee in correct alignment as I push off.

I'm still unable to hop on one leg or do a one leg squat.  I have been doing one leg squats using my arms to help but I really struggle with this still.


  1. Are you doing gluteus medius exercises like clamshells, fire hydrants, leg extensions to the side? Gluteus medius strength equal on both sides? If you look in a mirror or look down at yourself does it look like your pelvic girdle is twisted at all? If you look at yourself from behind are the bottoms of your butt cheeks level with each other? Just throwing some ideas out there!

    1. Yes I've been doing all those exercises. I feel like my hip strength is pretty even but I can still tell a difference in my quads. I'm still having trouble doing one leg squats so I feel like I'm favoring my good leg when doing squats or leg press. I'm not sure how to even this out. I like lunges because this exercise focuses on one leg at at time.
