December 27, 2015

4 Months Post Op

It seems after I hit 3 months post op, progress has slowed down and there are only incremental changes from month to month.  So there are small improvments but things just seem to move very slowly.

Physical Therapy:  I am restricted to the same exercises I listed in the last post until month 6 when I can add a few things.  Here's some examples of what I'm able to do in the gym now:

35 minutes on the stationary bike on level 8
10 minutes on the elliptical
1 leg hamstring curls and leg press (I use the lightest weight on the machine when working my bad leg)
4x way SLRs w/5 lb ankle weight
Swimming-I only feel comfortable doing free style stroke since there's minimal bending of my leg.  I use my good leg to push off the wall.  On a good note, I'm up to abut 20 laps and feel no discomfort in my knee
Treadmill walking-10 minutes at 2.5

Pain/Stiffness/Swelling:  I have no pain doing the above workouts.  When I walk I still have a twinge in the graft area that I feel intermittently.  The stiffness is still there especially when I wake up in the morning.  But this has improved a lot over the last 2 weeks.  I think in another month the stiffness will be gone.  There's no position I can't do with my knee now.  I can kneel on it and bend pretty much anyway I want now.  It still feels a little less flexible than my good knee but I'm very happy with the result so far.  I still have some swelling above the knee.

Stairs:  Stairs are still my nemesis.  Going down is much easier than going up.  When I go up I still use one leg at a time.  I think this is mostly due to weakness and I'm only allowed to do small step ups in physical therapy.  I feel normal stairs are too big and might be too much for the graft at this point.  According to my PT protocol I can do larger step ups at month 6 so i'll be more comfortable going up steps at that point.  When going down stairs I can do them continuously alternating legs but I hold on to the handrail for dear life.  With the weakness in my leg, I just feel very unstable.

Other Thoughts:  Overall I'm happy with the progress so far.  I feel good enough to go to Las Vegas on a New Years trip with friends...although there will be no dancing yet.  And I'll still be wearing flats with my New Year's dress.  Anyone who's been to Vegas knows how big the hotels are and there can be a lot of walking.  I'm okay with getting around and walking through the hotels but for any significant walking down the strip, we'll probably take a cab.


  1. Oh the holding on to the handrail for dear life made me LOL. I do that everytime!!! I'm glad you can walk normally and get around good I am just now at week 9 starting to walk normal. The stiffness is a huge problem and my weakness in my leg. I'm happy to read your blog. It gives me hope since you are almost 2 months ahead of me. 😊


    1. Hi Mary, congrats on starting to walk! The stiffness will go away once you start breaking up the scar tissue. I still have a big problem with weakness but I don't expect that will go away until I can start really working the muscles.

    2. Yes I know this is such a SLOW process. I am feeling better every week. I go back to work tomorrow and I'm ok with it. I have a routine in the pool I do for 30 minutes without using my bad leg. I haven't been able to run in 10 years and I'm only 30. This surgery has really given me hope to run again.

  2. Hey Megan,
    I'm two weeks out and feel like I've pushed through to more solid ground. Thanks for being such a detailed blogger. You really give me something to look forward to.

    I started my own blog. It's a little goofy, but check it out if you want :)

    Thanks again for taking the time to blog. I'm super happy for you and your progress. Enjoy Vegas !


    1. Hi Cory, I'll definitely be checking out your blog! I found it gave me something to do in the early stages when I was pretty much in bed most of the day. I look forward to hearing about your experience with this surgery.

    2. Oh I read your blog Cory and I'm going on 10 weeks post op of my patella ACI. Like I told megan it's nice to read and see others going through the exact same thing I am.

  3. Glad to see your coming along Megan. Do you think you'll return to flight status at all? Happy New Year and have fun in Vegas! - Dave Zielinski

    1. Hi Dave. Hope you are doing well. Yes, I will return to flight status. The limfac is pushing in the rudder pedal. I want to make sure the graft is strong enough so I won't damage it. I'm going back to see my surgeon on 20 Jan and I'll be asking him about that. I think I should be flying by mid March.

  4. It is gratifying to see how much you are helping people who are going through the same procedure. I feel that you are sort of "writing the book" on the small details of recovery that are so important to ACI patients. Hats off to you! Mom

  5. So nice to read about others that have had the ACI procedure done. I am at the 1.5 year post-op mark and have been experiencing more pain lately. I'm still greatly restricted in my activity level. No low/high impact, no running- I'm still working to rebuild the quad-it's a slow process that's for sure. I live in Ohio and didn't know if anyone else's knees react to the colder temps or rain that comes and goes?

    I initially injured my knee 2011 and have had 4 surgeries since and have been in physical therapy ever since :(

    Good luck on your road to recovery!!

    1. Theresa, thank you so much for the comment. Wow, 1.5 yrs post op...this really is a long recovery. I feel like my quad is just withering away. It's so hard to keep the muscle or build it back up when the rehab protocol is so limited. I've found my pain comes and goes too. It's hard tell if it's related to the weather but I've heard that joints react to temperature and pressure changes. I'm curious what your surgeon says about your progress. Are you still expected to see improvement after 1.5 yrs? Have you had any MRIs to check the status of the graft? Have the images shown anything concerning not how well the graft worked?
