November 15, 2015

3 Months Post Op

Range of Motion:  I am at 155 degrees.  I'm just about at full range.  I can now sit crosslegged on the couch do most of the stretches I used to do.  However my right knee joint is still much more flexible and I think it will take a long time to regain that type of flexibility in my left knee.

Physical Therapy:  I started swimming this week!  My rehab protocol says at month 3 I am allowed to start swimming.  I used to swim a lot before my surgery since this was one of the ways I could get a great workout despite my knee injury.  I didn't feel comfortable just jumping in the pool and swimming like I used to.  So I use a pull bouy between my legs to mostly work my arms.  I practice my kick with a kick board.  My leg is extremely weak so I could only do 3 laps kicking.  It was also hard to stay in a straight line since my good leg was overpowering my other leg.  Here are my workouts for the week:

  • 20 mins arm bike
  • 25 mins stationary bike (level 5)
  • 3x10 reps leg press, hamstring curl, leg extension on good leg
  • 3x25 reps abductor/adductor SLRs (3 lb ankle weight)
  • 20 minutes stretching
Feels great to get back in the pool to swim
  • 5 mins stationary bike (level 6)
  • 3x10 reps leg press
  • 3x10 reps toe raises
  • Rolling stool hamstring curls
  • 3x15 reps BAPs board
  • 20 mins arm bike
  • 28 mins stationary bike (level 7)
  • Upper body weight lifting
  • 20 minutes stretching
I use a pool bouy like this lady since I don't feel ready to use
my legs to really kick
  • 30 minutes swimming w/pull bouy
  • 3x laps gental flutter kick w/kick board
  • 20 mins arm bike
  • 30 mins stationary bike (level 7)
  • 6x30 reps SLRs (3lb ankle weight)
  • Core work
  • 20 minutes stretching
Walking: I am walking normal.  I have a normal gait and can walk at a normal pace.  But if I've been sitting for awhile or get out of bed first thing in the morning the stiffness makes me limp a few steps before it loosens up.  I'm not able to go up and down stairs normally yet.  I have to take one step at a time with my good leg going up and down.

Pain and Swelling:  I still have mild swelling about the knee cap.  This hasn't changed much since last week. I still have pain near the graft site like I had before the surgery.  I feel like it is getting better overall but some days it feels worse than others so its hard to tell.

Other Thoughts:  I feel good enough to take a work trip involving a commercial airline flight which I will be doing next week.  I feel comfortable about sitting on a plane and getting through the airport.  However, I'm screwed if I have to quickly get to a gate. 


  1. LOL Please let there be no running to a gate...

  2. I'm really stiff too after I sit for awhile. I'm only 8 weeks out but it's frustrating!

    1. Yes, the stiffness is frustrating. At four months I still have it but it's slowly getting better. I found riding the stationary bike and stretching regularly really helps. The worst is when I get out of bed in the morning.
