After my surgeon reviewed my MRI and didn't see anything wrong with the graft, he suggested trying an injection. He recommended PRP (plasma rich platelet) as the first option or hyaluronic acid. It was good to hear the graft looked ok in the MRI but puzzling as to why I'm not feeling much different since the surgery. I decided to go with the PRP injection. The risks are minimal and it feels good to try something else.
I waited to get the PRP injection for awhile since I had a hiking trip to Patagonia planned. I heard there's a recovery time associated with PRP and I didn't want to be sore for my trip. I spent 3 days hiking in Patagonia. I was able to hike 12 miles the first day, 8 miles the second, and 15 miles the last day over some fairly steep terrain. My knee held up ok. It was sore and I felt the same pain in my medial femoral condyle but I was able to do this without too much discomfort. I could tell my left leg is still much weaker that my right leg especially on the steep terrain. Overall, I am thankful I can still do these kinds of activities but I still hope for more improvement.
PRP involves drawing the patients own blood and putting it in a centrifuge to separate the platelets and plasma from the rest of the blood. Then the platelet rich plasma is injected back into the joint. The platelets and plasma offer healing properties and lubrication for damaged joints. The injection also causes inflammation which is part of the healing process. From what I've read, there is mixed results about whether or not PRP can help with osteoarthritis. I was told the effects of PRP aren't felt for about 4 weeks.
I received the PRP injection 2 days ago. The injection was quite painful but it was a quick procedure. I was told my knee would be sore and stiff over the next couple of days. I've actually had no pain since the injection and barely any stiffness. My injection site doesn't even hurt. I am very surprised at this because I expected to be in a lot worse shape. I asked when I could work out after the injection and I was told I should take it easy for the next couple of days. I feel like I would have no trouble doing my normal workout routine but I've decided to take it easy even though I have no additional pain from the injection. So I am a little perplexed by the lack of pain from the injection and hope the injection is doing what it is supposed to.
I'm curious, has anyone else tried PRP? And what were your results?